
Art Amplified

Behind the Scenes of “Art Amplified”

August 12, 2015 | By Rachel Zink

It was fun to think BIG for our 2014 recycled cardboard exhibit, Outside the Box, at SECCA. So when our academic year intern, Katharyn Valier, began to think even bigger for this year’s show—proposing the idea to combine visual art and music, the two artistic focuses of our Winston-Salem chapter—we didn’t hesitate; the gears in our heads started moving and Art Amplified (which opens this week) is the grand, harmonious result!

Uriah and Beril

July Is Color Theory Month!

July 26, 2015 | By Rachel Zink

You know that yellow and blue make green. Red and blue make purple. Yellow and red make orange. But do you know about complementary colors? Primary, secondary, and tertiary colors? Analogous colors? Color families? Warm and cool colors? Our students have been learning about them all this month!

Overlapping Glassware

Lesson: Overlapping Glassware

| By Rachel Zink

July is Printmaking + Color Theory Month at Arts For Life! Activities impress upon students the very important role color has in artistic composition, like this lesson, which helps them explore the brilliant effects of layering color.

Complimentary Color Name

Lesson: Complimentary Color Names

| By Rachel Zink

July is Printmaking + Color Theory Month at Arts For Life! Teachers have been impressing upon students the very important role color has in artistic composition, through activities like this Complimentary Color Names lesson.

Lesson: Mondrian Animals

February 26, 2015 | By Rachel Zink

Combining the distinct painting style of Dutch painter Piet Mondrian with the fun challenge of drawing animals, Mondrian Animals are a fun way to explore and practice drawing, painting, art history, and color theory. Goals Learn about Art History while applying concepts learned into an original piece of artwork. Increase knowledge of a famous painter […]

Lichtenstein Portrait

Lesson: Lichtenstein Portraits

January 31, 2015 | By Rachel Zink

Roy Lichtenstein was an American Pop artist. His bold, colorful style took portraiture to a less serious place than it had been in history. He had fun with his portraits and often connected advertising and comic strip appearances. This lesson will help you create a fun portrait that guides your viewer to have an emotional response to the artwork.